9. Mai 2008

The Fairy With The Unique Sand

In the nothern regions of Scandinavia
there lived a fairy with long, white and glittering hair,
she was wrapped in a golden, translucent, long cloth,
sleeping during the day in an ice cave far in the North
and flitting through the countryside every night.
Because of that she felt often lonely,
from time to time very loney and sad.
Especially during the long and cold winter,
when the nights became longer and longer,
when the sun didn`t reach the horizon,
when she couldn`t feel any warmth,
when the flowers slept under the heavy snow,
when she never could hear the laugh of a child.

But in the summer when the days became longer,
then the sun lightened up every night for her
and she had a time ful of fun and joy,
then she was talking to the flying birds,
was looking into the unfathomable eyes of the cats,
then she was smelling the fragrance of the flowers,
was sneaking like a fox around every playground,
then she was stroking every childs hairs
was feeling their warmth and their livingness,
then she was kissing their smooth cheeks
was bringing them joy and happyness.

But because of the brightness of the sun
and the intense warmth the fairy spread
the children didn`t become tired.
They didn`t want to jump into their beds,
they couldn`t close their sparkling eyes,
oh, what a problem their parents had with!
The adults almost couldn`t fall asleep too,
they became very nervous and mad,
oh, what an anger the parents had with!
The fairy was very astonished about that all,
but after a while she saw the reason for this,
oh, what a sympathy she felt for them!

And so she decided to ask the fairy father himself
to help her finding an easy and quick solution.
He was a very old and wise man and probably
he knew how to make children sleepy.
After three long days he gave her the advice
to go into the depth of the Atlantic Ocean
to find there the place with the finest sand.

And so the smart fairy dived into the abyss
to find there this very unique, white sand.
It was a long and dangerous search,
it took her seven days to find the right place,
but she didn`t gave up her intention and
finally she could bring it up to the surface and
finally she could bring peace over this land.

Since this day she is coming to the children every night.
Since this day she is scattering sand into their eyes every night.
Since this day the children can fall asleep every night.
Since this day the parents can relax easily every night.
Since this day even in the summer it gets calm every night.
Since this day she is the happiest fairy every night.

Since this day the fairy is coming to you, my child!

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